Six Antiquarian Books Including Four 17th Century and One 20th Century Pieces: ‘Annaei Senecae, Tum Rhetoris, Tum Philosophi: Opera Omnia’ by Seneca, MDCLXV (1665). (Complete works of Lucius Annaeus Seneca. Latin language. Geneva). Three Volumes of ‘Greek: Polybiou tou Lykorta Megalopolitou: Historion ta Sozomena. Latin: Polybii Lycortae f. Megalopolitani: Historiarum, Libri qui Supersunt’ MDCLXX (1670) (Latin & Classical Greek dual text. Latin commentary and notes. Trans. Isaac Casaubon. Amsterdam) ‘Des Neuerofneten Historischen Bilder-Saals, Bk. XVI’ (German language. Nuremburg). ‘Die Belgische Malerei im Neunzehnten Jahrhundert’ by Richard Muther, 1904 (German Language. Berlin. 32 black & white plates)